Monday, December 30, 2019
Barack Obama s Election For Immigration Reform - 2613 Words
Not So â€Å"Hope†-ful In a 2008 debate, now-President Barack Obama proclaimed, â€Å"We are a nation of laws and we are a nation of immigrants, and we can reconcile those two things,†(CNN, 2008). The hype surrounding Obama’s first term election included â€Å"hope†for immigration reformâ€â€an important platform of his campaign. In 2012, Obama’s re-election was partially attributed to an increase in support from the Latino demographic. The Latino vote helped Obama win key states and compromised 10% of the electorateâ€â€the highest ever recorded (Lopez Taylor, 2012). With less than a year for Obama left in office, immigration legislation is struggling. Despite bi-partisan efforts, the future for comprehensive immigration policy is bleak. The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S.744) made great strides towards comprehensive reform in 2013. The arduous passage of S.744 was a victory for immigration reform but its subsequent failure in the House of Representatives is symbolic of an over-arching problem facing immigration reform policy in the United States. Proposed Legislation First proposed on a federal level in the U.S. Senate by Democrat Chuck Schumer on April 16th, 2013. The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S.744) garnered bi-partisan support by appealing to both conservative and liberal ideology. The â€Å"Gang of Eight†Senators responsible for the legislation was compromised of Schumer and three other DemocratsShow MoreRelatedImmigration Reform For Illegal Immigrants2343 Words  | 10 Pages Immigration is a controversial topic among many people in the United States today. A lot of people from different countries often settle in the United States in search of jobs, freedom or a better life in general. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
A Brief Note On Rape On College Campuses - 1267 Words
Tiffany Rodriguez Professor Hall-Lee Contemporary Social Problems 8 February 2017 Reaction Paper #1 - Rape on College Campuses In the past year, cases of sexual assault and debate over the definition of consent has been a major topic of discussion in the media. A large amount of these situations are occurring in colleges across the country. Courthouses and the public do not know how to resolve this epidemic or even how to fairly punish those who are guilty of this assault. Even our current president, Donald Trump, has been in the media making derogatory remarks about women and has been accused of rape. Although it is an underreported crime, rape on college campuses have slowly come more and more into the spotlight. It is becoming a major†¦show more content†¦The other piece of what makes a problem a social issue is the subjective concerns around it. Subjective concerns are â€Å"the concern that a significant amount of people (or a number of significant people) have about the objective condition†(Henslin 5). Rape on college campuses has this element because many people are concerned about this problem of boundaries being crossed and so many young adults being sexually violated. In this past year, many people in the media and in their communities have voiced their concerns and have been outraged by the numerous cases that have arisen and the light punishments on some of the attackers. An example of this is the Brock Turner case that made major news. Brock Turner had raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster after a college fraternity party in January 2015 (Levin). He was eventually charged with assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated or unconscious person, penetr ation of an intoxicated person, and penetration of an unconscious person (Grinberg Shoichet). After trials and hearings, he was proven guilty but received a six month jail sentence rather than the six year sentence that some law officials deemed would have been more suitable for his crime. As the public found out about this, people across the country were voicing their anger towards the lack of justice that they believed this victim received andShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Hooking Up?1070 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is hooking up? According to a study in â€Å"Hooking Up†by Kathleen Bogle, she notes that hooking up is â€Å"when a girl and a guy get together for a physical encounter and don’t necessarily expect anything further†(Bogle 2). Hooking up, which has increased dramatically since the early 2000s, occurs between two young adults, most commonly on college campuses all over the country. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Anthony Kiedis and the Red Hot Chili Peppers Free Essays
The energetic singer of the alternative rock group, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Anthony Kiedis was born on Nov. 1, 1962, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Kiedis’ godfather was Sonny Bono, of Sonny Cher fame. We will write a custom essay sample on Anthony Kiedis and the Red Hot Chili Peppers or any similar topic only for you Order Now His parents split when Anthony was three. After getting into trouble at school, he moved to California to be with his dad. His father made most of his money selling drugs, CONTENTS †¢Synopsis †¢Aspiring Musician †¢The Red Hot Chili Peppers †¢Mainstream Success †¢Personal Life but also dabbled in acting. It was during these years that young Kiedis was exposed and influenced by the world of art, sex, music, and drugs. Singer, actor, writer. Born on November 1, 1962, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Anthony Kiedis has become one of best-known figures in alternative rock. His parents split up when he was very young. He lived with his mother, Peggy, in Michigan and visited his father, John, in California. While with his father, Kiedis was exposed to the Los Angeles club scene where he got a chance to see such rock acts as the Eagles, Neil Young, Deep Purple, and Rod Stewart. Developing an aversion to authority at an early age, Kiedis acted out in school. He eventually convinced his mother to agree to let him live with his father in California. In his early teens, Kiedis moved in with his father and soon began experimenting with drugs. He started smoking marijuana and later tried heroin, cocaine, and Quaaludes. His father earned much of his money from dealing marijuana and other illegal substances, according to Scar Tissue, Kiedis’s official autobiography. By the mid-1970s, John Kiedis decided to try to make as an actor, taking classes and the stage name Blackie Dammet. Anthony also started acting, using his own stage name Cole Dammet. He landed a few commercials and small parts. Aspiring Musician At Fairfax High School, Kiedis met and made friends with Michael Balzaryâ€â€better known later as Fleaâ€â€and Hillel Slovak. Slovak had a band known as Anthym and Balzary eventually joined it as the bass player. Kiedis acted as the MC for some of their gigs. They were also interested in the emerging punk scene and caught shows by such acts as Black Flag. Kiedis moved out of his father’s place to live with a friend during the latter part of high school. Despite living in the midst of a party scene, he was able to keep up his grades. Kiedis did well enough to get accepted to UCLA. College, however, did not hold his interest for long. In 1982, Kiedis found inspiration for his vocal styling from the hit song, â€Å"The Message,†from Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. He started a band with friends Slovak and Fleaâ€â€although they were already in different bandsâ€â€with Jack Irons on drums the following year. The group that would become known as the Red Hot Chili Peppers became a popular fixture on the L. A. club scene. The group quickly went through a line-up change when Slovak and Irons left when their other band What Is This landed a record deal. Kiedis and Flea pressed on with their innovative funk-punk sound, bringing in guitarist Jack Sherman and drummer Cliff Martinez. The group eventually became known as the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The Red Hot Chili Peppers Their 1984 self-titled debut didn’t sell, but the group started to attract a following with their energetic live shows. Often over-the-top rebels, the Red Hot Chili Peppers even performed a few times while only wearing strategically placed tube socks. For their second effort, Freaky Styley, the group enlisted the help of funk superstarGeorge Clinton to serve as their producer. The album also marked the return of Slovak and Irons to the band. Kiedis’s off-stage activities were starting to take over his life. He was using heroin and cocaine heavily, so much so that his bandmates kicked him out of the group for a while. Returning to Michigan for a time, Kiedis went through detox. He returned to Los Angeles and the band, but did not stay clean for long. The Red Hot Chili Peppers released their third album, The Uplift Mofo Party Plan, in 1987. The album even made it onto theBillboard 200 album charts. The following year, Kiedis experienced a great personal loss. Longtime friend and bandmate Slovak died of a heroin overdose on June 25, 1988. After this tragedy, Irons decided to leave the band and Kiedis eventually went to a rehabilitation center. Trying to regroup, Kiedis and Flea added guitarist Blackbyrd McKnight and drummer D. H. Peligro to the group, but this line up didn’t work out. They then brought in guitarist John Frusciante and drummer Chad Smith and recorded Mother’s Milk. They began attracting more fans and more media attention. MTV aired videos for two tracksâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"Knock Me Down†and their cover of Steve Wonder’s hit â€Å"Higher Ground. In 1989, Kiedis found himself in legal trouble for a post-concert incident. He was accused of sexual battery and indecent exposure after a concert in Virginia at George MasonUniversity that April, according to a report in The New York Times. He later paid a fine. CONTENTS †¢Synopsis †¢Aspiring Musician †¢The Red Hot Chili Peppers †¢Mainstrea m Success †¢Personal Life Mainstream Success Working with producer Rick Rubin, the Red Hot Chili Peppers experienced a major career breakthrough with their next album BloodSugarSexMagik in 1991. The album sold more than 4 million copies, spurred on in part by such hits as â€Å"Under the Bridge,†â€Å"Give It Away,†and â€Å"Suck My Kiss. †Frusciante ended up leaving the group before it joined the alternative music tour Lollapalooza in 1992. After a few false starts, the Red Hot Chili Peppers eventually replaced Frusciante with guitarist Dave Navarro, once with Jane’s Addiction. This latest line up recorded 1995’s One Hot Minute, which went platinum. â€Å"Aeroplane†and â€Å"My Friends†were two of the biggest hits from the album. In July 1997, Kiedis was involved in a motorcycle accident in Los Angeles. He broke his wrist and forearm when he was hit by a car while riding his motorcycle. The following year, Kiedis sued the driver for damages. By the time the Red Hot Chili Peppers released their 1999 hit recordCalifornication, Frusciante was back in the band, replacing Navarro who left to pursue solo projects. â€Å"Around the World,†â€Å"Scar Tissue,†and the title track all did well on the rock charts. 2002’s By the Way was also a strong seller, making it to the number two spot on the Billboard 200. Personal Life Kiedis borrowed the title from their hit â€Å"Scar Tissue†for his candid 2004 autobiography, in which he described his extensive drug use and relationships with such women as actress Ione Skye and director Sofia Coppola. He also disclosed that he had battled hepatitis C. â€Å"As a person and a musician, I feel like I’m just getting started. . . . I kind of look at this as the halftime report,†Kiedis said to Peoplemagazine during an interview about his book. For the first time in 2006, the Red Hot Chili Peppers reached the top of the Billboard 200 album charts with Stadium Arcadium. Kiedis soon experienced another firstâ€â€he became a father. He and then girlfriend Heather Christie welcomed son Everly Bear in October 2007. The couple split up in 2008. That same year, Kiedis told Rolling Stone that the Red Hot Chili Peppers was â€Å"disbanded for the moment. †The band had tour extensively to support their latest album, and everyone wanted to take a break for a time. In addition to relaxing, Kiedis recently served as festival curator for the New American Music Festival, which was held in August 2008. How to cite Anthony Kiedis and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Cloning Essay Research Paper CloningTwentyfive years ago free essay sample
Cloning Essay, Research Paper Cloning Twenty-five old ages ago, scientists thought that cloning was virtually impossible. In the last five old ages, the scientific discipline of cloning, has come to realization. What is a ringer? A ringer is a extra # 8211 ; much like a photocopy is a extra, or transcript, of a papers ( Kolate, 238 ) . A good illustration of transcripts that occur in nature are indistinguishable twins, which are extras of each other. On a day-to-day footing, molecular geneticists and other scientists use cloning techniques to retroflex assorted familial stuffs such as cistron sections and cells ( Kolate, 238 ) . Recently the cloning of a living life signifier was brought from the kingdom of scientific discipline fiction to world with the cloning of a sheep named Dolly ( Kolate 236 ) . Imagine run intoing an exact reproduction of person or yourself seven to ten old ages from now ( Kaku 6 ) . They look likewise, and even have the same familial make-up. This is the new universe of cloning. As with every new scientific discipline, there are those who believe in it, and those who oppose it. So many inquiries arise. What if some one like Hitler had entree to this engineering? Would people want two indistinguishable transcripts of a kid or a comparative? What are the opportunities of people illicitly obtaining blood samples of, for illustration, Albert Einstein, Bill Clinton, or even Lee Harvey Oswald for sale on the black market? Is there a manner we can perchance criminalize and implement cloning? Could this development really be used for a benefit, such as conveying back endangered or nonextant animate beings? The instantaneous reaction of the universe has been mixed. However, the overall benefits appear to out weigh the other factors. This new technological development can non be passed off. It has the potency of tremendous benefits to society. The new engineering of cloning should be utilized because it could convey back nonextant being, aid infertile twosomes to hold kids, and potentially salvage many lives. Cloning could convey back nonextant animate beings ( Kaku 227 ) . Over 1000000s of old ages, 1000s of different species have gone nonextant. Most were due to natural choice, while several others were due to human intercession. Approximately two-thirds of all the native bird species ( Kendall n/a ) and one-fifth of the native workss ( Kendall n/a ) originally found on the Hawaiian Islands have gone nonextant late. Marauders, rivals, or diseases introduced by worlds from Continental countries are responsible for many of the extinctions. Besides, many staying species on other pelagic islands are threatened or endangered. A benefit of cloning would be the cloning of # 8220 ; endangered species that have trouble reproducing in imprisonment # 8221 ; ( Kaku 227 ) . Many of the carnal species, and legion works species could be brought back to life with cloning. Even though there is presently no technique for conveying the workss back, with engineering progressing so rapidly, we could hold a solution in the close hereafter. Ultimately, cloning could hold important human applications. Cloning could assist a twosome unable to hold kids because one of them was sterile. In the instance of an infertile male parent, scientists take an egg from the female parent, take its karyon, so take a cell from the male parent, take its karyon, and topographic point the karyon inside the empty egg ( Kolate 242 ) . That cell acts as a generative cell. They so put the egg in the female parents # 8217 ; uterus to infuse her. # 8220 ; Mark Sayer, an sterility expert at Columbia Presbyterian Medial Center in New York, would wish to take each cell from an early human embryo and ringer it, doing indistinguishable twin embryos in the adult female # 8217 ; s uterus instantly, and stop dead any supernumeraries for future efforts at gestation # 8221 ; ( Kolate 242 ) . The effort would turn out that the procedure of reprogramming a cell # 8217 ; s DNA begins with ringers ( Kolate 237 ) . In the field of medical specialty, cloning can be a really utile technique. # 8220 ; A major end of scientists working on cloning is to clone cistrons that direct the production of medically important utilizations in handling disease # 8221 ; ( Robel n/a ) . Medical scientists would be able to non merely reproduce the cistrons, but would be able to reassign them and to analyze them ( Kolate 236 ) . It would be possible to analyze variety meats of the human organic structure to larn how they could change them to do them to renew after hurt. # 8220 ; Another possible medical U Se for cloning is the development of hogs that have been modified with human cistrons so their variety meats can be transplanted into humans†( Charles F01 ) . â€Å"Other research applications of cloning would affect genetically modifying grownup cells to be cloned to make carnal theoretical accounts of human diseases to analyze the effects of drugs†( Charles F01 ) . The ways of reproducing cistrons and copying DNA could assist in happening remedies for certain diseases and upsets. Scientists could take Deoxyribonucleic acid from healthy cells and transcript it, so shoot it into an unhealthy cell to call off out the â€Å"bad†cistrons ( Charles F01 ) . Cloning would besides assist parents that are confronting the possible loss of a kid due to illness. # 8220 ; More toothsome than the self-importance ringer # 8230 ; is the medical ringer, a babe created to supply transplant stuff for the original # 8221 ; ( Kluger 66 ) . The thought of a medical ringer, or # 8220 ; a babe created to supply transplant stuff for the original kid # 8221 ; has surfaced ( Kluger 70 ) . While the thought of # 8220 ; reaping a one-of-a-kind organ, such as a bosom from a new kid # 8221 ; ensuing in making a ringer merely to kill it for the organ is non advocated ( Kluger 70 ) , most parents # 8220 ; are non against raising a ringer, or indistinguishable kid so some of its bone marrow can be used to salvage the life of the first kid # 8221 ; ( Kluger 69 ) . The thought that future ringers could bring forth such medically of import substances as Insulin, interferon, and growing endocrine is exciting to scientist ( Robel n/a ) . # 8220 ; To get down with, the most arresting, but least disputed possibility, is to see the thought of utilizing human cloning to turn your ain variety meats for graft # 8221 ; ( Kolate 234 ) . A celebrated Harvard Medical School professor, Stuart Orkin, testified before a presidential moralss committee in 1997 and predicted # 8220 ; that it might be possible to utilize the cloning discovery to enable patients to turn their ain bone marrow that would be a perfect lucifer and ready when the patient needed it # 8221 ; ( Kolate 234 ) . Another medical benefit of cloning could take the manner to # 8220 ; making genetically altered animate being that act as living drug mills by bring forthing valuable pharmaceutical substances in their milk # 8221 ; ( Small 3 ) . Besides, such genetically altered animate beings could be used # 8220 ; as life organ mills because their variety meats would non be rejected by the human immune system # 8221 ; ( Small 3 ) . In add-on, medical scientist hope to # 8220 ; usage cloned, genetically engineered cattles as givers for impersonal cells that could be used to handle nerve-damaging diseases such as Parkinson # 8217 ; s and diabetes # 8221 ; ( Small 3 ) . At Genzyme Transgenics Corporatation, they are working on doing # 8220 ; a heard of genetically engineered cowss that will bring forth the human serum, albumen, a protein that is presently derived from pooled human plasma, and is given to people who have suffered blood loss # 8221 ; ( Small 4 ) . Because of the overpowering positive deductions, society must encompass this the thought of cloning. The new engineering of cloning should be used because it could raise nonextant animate beings, give infertile twosomes new hope, and supply medical scientific discipline with a new tool that could potentially salvage 1000s of lives. With recent progresss traveling along at such velocity, cloning will go an built-in portion of our society. Charles, Craig. # 8220 ; Near-Term Benefits of Cloning Likely To Be Medical. # 8221 ; The Washington Post. 29 March 1997: Section 1F. Kaku, Michio. Visions. New York: Anchor Books/Double Day, 1997. Kendall, Peter. # 8220 ; Human Cloning Argument: Why Do It? Who # 8217 ; d Be Hurt? Should It Be Legal? # 8221 ; Chicago Tribune. 3 March 1997: Section n/a. Kluger, Jeffrey. # 8220 ; Will We Follow The Sheep? # 8221 ; Time 10 March 1997: 66-71. Kolate, Gina. Clone. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. , 1998. Kotulak, Ronald. # 8220 ; First Mammal Is Cloned. Breakthrough Could Make It Possible To Duplicate Humans. # 8221 ; Chicago Tribune. 23 February 1997: n/a. Neikirk, William. # 8220 ; Senate Gets To Not Vote On Proposed Cloning Ban. # 8221 ; Washington Bureau. 12 February 1998: 6-7. Robel, James. # 8220 ; Scientists Report Adult Animal Cloning. # 8221 ; Compton # 8217 ; s Interactive Encyclopedia On CD/ROM. 1997 Edition. 1997. Small, Art. # 8220 ; Two Cloned Calfs Might Be Key To Living Drug, Organ Factories. # 8221 ; Chicago Tribune. 21 January 1998: n/a.
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