Sunday, August 23, 2020
Marketing and Customers Essay Example for Free
Showcasing and Customers Essay At the present time, HubSpot is serving various clients with various prerequisites. This causes their designing and deals staff to be extended meager. They are falling behind on item discharges and their business staff is changing over just 4% (show 10) of the potential market into clients. To expand productivity, HubSpot should limit their objective market. In the event that they focus on the most gainful portion of clients, at that point they can procure a greater amount of those productive clients and increment by and large benefit. The appended display separates the LTV esteem for various client portions dependent on their agitate and income age. Over all the sections, little B2B organizations have most reduced beat pace of 1. 4% and thus most noteworthy LTV of $17357. As appeared in display, all out number of potential clients in little B2B business 12126. This would permit Hubspot to grow multiple times their present size. Thus, HubSpot should focus on this fragment as their need. They could even change over in excess of 12126 clients out of all out market if their business group is completely focused at this fragment. The following most gainful objective fragment, as apparent for connected display, is Marketer Marys. Inside Marketer Marys, Hubspot should target B2B clients. This is on the grounds that, B2B have lower beat rates contrasted with B2C clients. Likewise, Hubspot is as of now outfitted towards serving B2B clients. Organization (HubSpot) The center competency for organization is their way of thinking of inbound advertising. They manufacture and market their product utilizing this way of thinking. So they ought not fiddle with this way of thinking and should adhere to inbound showcasing. Another point to note from the display 10 is that the greatest client agitate occurs somewhere in the range of twelfth and eighteenth month. To address this wonder, they could offer limits to clients after twelfth month. Likewise, the clients who have changed to CMS have lower stir rate contrasted with clients who have not exchanged. So as to build client maintenance, they could think about contribution free CMS to all clients and potentially limits to clients who receive CMS. They would in any case be beneficial after limits as they appear to ave exceptionally low negligible expenses. Contender HubSpot likewise have relative favorable circumstances over their closest client Eloqua. HubSpot offers programming as-an administration contrasted with the enormous forthright charge of Eloqua. This prompts low exchanging cost for client and subsequently simpler entrance for HubSpot. They additionally have usability over Eloqua. Be that as it may, they do need to update their product for progressively modern clients. This would be progressively required when they begin following Marketer Marys B2B business.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Merchant of the Death essays
The Merchant of the Death papers Bobby Pendragon is a fourteen-year-old kid with a typical life until his uncle came to him, approaching urgently for help. Uncle Press removed him to a domain called Denduron, which is a medieval reality where the delicate Milago are oppressed by the Bedoowan, and its Bobbys crucial spare them and to spare the world. Uncle Press reveals to him that he is an explorer, which implies somebody that can ride flumes through existence and soon he understands he should spare Denduron from a shrewd voyager. On the off chance that the shrewd explorer, Saint Dane, can cause war between two clans on planet Earth. In this way, he collaborates with Loor, a young lady of his age from the warrior domain of Zadaa and different explorers, they make a decent attempt to stop Saint Dane and the two clans from conflicting. I appreciate the character Bobby the most in view of his honorableness, in spite of the way that he needed to escape back to Earth once he showed up Denduron. In any case, when he comprehended if the underhanded voyager, St Dane, can cause wars between 2 clans on the planet Denduron, the entire universe will be crushed, Bobby thought of a wide range of thoughts so as to support the Milago. From the high school that forever discontent with a thing in Denduron, he turned into the pioneer of the upset, the friend in need of the planet Denduron, and even the Earth. I likewise appreciate the diligence that the character Loor had. Loor and her mom never prevailing with regards to sparing the Milago Bobby showed up, by and by they hadnt even idea of surrendering the Milago. In any case, Loors mother got executed when they attempted to spare the Milago once with Bobby, that didnt stop Loors powerful urge to revolt the opportunity of the Milago. ... <!
Friday, July 10, 2020
The 5-Page Essay Topic For a 5-Page Economics Test
The 5-Page Essay Topic For a 5-Page Economics TestThe 5-Page Essay topic for a 5-page economics test is the best one for all students. The general consensus among students is that the essay should be written in as much detail as possible. Students need to write in as much detail as possible, since it will be their final proof. As a result, it makes sense to start with some background and a general idea of what kind of problems you will be dealing with.You must first know what your final decision on the topic is before writing the essay. If you are undecided about what topic to write, then the essays should be as broad as possible. However, you should only use topics for a 5-page essay about economics problems that have high importance for you in the course.Although many students choose to skip writing the essay, the topic should be chosen in consultation with your instructor and with your advisor. In many cases, there will be some default choices or some questions asked as part of th e course evaluations, and it may be time to consider the topic again.Next, you need to decide which topic you will be focusing on specific problems in your course. You will probably not write about your final exam if you do not want to write about any problems. There are many topics for a 5-page essay about economics problems and you can research these to see what you like. After that, select the topic that best suits your assignment.In writing the essay, you will have the freedom to write about many subjects, which include other instructors' classes, and your coursework. Even though the topics for a 5-page essay about economics problems are restricted to a specific class, it is a good idea to explore as many subjects as possible.However, you should still stick to your predetermined choices so that you do not lose the ability to explore new subjects later on. Writing this type of essay will also require creativity and determination, and both of these characteristics will make the wr iting of the essay a lot more difficult.Most students do not write essays. However, even if you do not write an essay on any topic, the topic should still be considered. By choosing the right topic for a 5-page essay about economics problems, you will help ensure that you get the highest grade possible on the assignment.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Human Reproduction PowerPoint Presentation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 553 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? There are several purposes of the human reproduction that are useful to both the male and female species. For instance, the human male is concerned with the discharge of sperm during sexual intercourse to the tract of the female reproduction system. Similarly, production, maintenance, and transportation of male reproductive cells or sperm including the semen remains the preserve of the male reproductive system. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Human Reproduction PowerPoint Presentation" essay for you Create order Accordingly, the maintenance of the male reproductive system including the secretion and production of sex hormones is part of the overall system that ensures that procreation happens effectively. Consequently, sperm production is an important aspect of the human reproductive system because the abdomen facilitates the regulation of temperature for survival. Alternatively, for the female reproductive system, transportation of ova is facilitated through this part of the system. The transportation is often meant to assist in fertilization through the process whereby the egg and sperm come into contact. Similarly, implantation of the egg on the uterus walls is another aspect that defines what normally the beginning of pregnancy in a woman becomes. Protection of the internal genital organs is equally a fundamental aspect of the reproductive system with the inclusion of the external structures that form part of the body. Consequently, the clitoris is integral in that it enjoys erection during stimulation orchestrated by the penis, part of male reproductive system. Therefore, the interaction between the male and female systems is what contributes to the production of a zygote that grows into an embryo. In other words, the propagation of species becomes a critical feature of the reproductive system when all other factors are constant. In brief, the human being thus predisposed to depend on the structures and functions of the major organs. On the above account, the function and structure of the major organs critically depend on a few issues worthy of note. First, copulation is a major aspect that helps with internal fertilization during sexual intercourse. It means ejaculation by the help of the male’s penis is useful toward depositing semen that has sperm into the vaginal canal. Second, implantation and gestation are processes that occur within the female uterus when the male organ is inserted into the female organ. Third, transmission of genes is often the result of mating which happens between the man and woman. On that account, propagation of species is essential component of having sex to ensure that a zygote is formed that eventually becomes a baby. Strengthening of evolution is another element of the human reproductive system that is best understood from the context of the functions of the parts that come into contact with one another. Overall, in order for safe sex to occur, certain measures have to occu r. Safe sex involves the use of a condom and taking pills that prevent the fertilization of eggs by sperms in the uterus wall. This implies that the methodologies must have been approved an authority that cautions males and females against engaging in unsafe sex. Therefore, the condoms must be those comfortable to both men and women during the act of coitus. However, in other special cases, contraceptives can be introduced for the female specie to avoid cases of unwanted pregnancies and contracting sexually transmitted diseases. On that note, caution is significant to ensure the reproductive system remains healthy and devoid of other diseases.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Germany The German Problem - 1418 Words
Ellie Smith Dr. Faegri POSC 344.03 September 5, 2014 Part One: Key Terms The German Problem: The German Problem occurred prior to World War I, when Germany’s neighboring states feared the fast-growing economy and expansion of Germany after Otto Van Bismarck had unified it. Germany posed a threat to the rest of Europe because it had the potential to dominate empires that had controlled Europe for centuries. The â€Å"German Problem†is significant because it was never resolved. The Versailles Treaty took away territory that previously belonged to Germany, but it was in the will of Hitler to gain back this territory, hence starting WWII. The Eastern Question: The Eastern Question was the political issue regarding the control of Ottoman territories leading up to its collapse in the 19th century. Following the disintegration of the empire, a power vacuum emerged in the Balkans and Middle East. The diplomacy of the Eastern Question led to the blossoming if nationalism and additional independence movement throughout former Ottoman territories. These nationalist movements led a radical Serbian to assassinate Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand, a major contributing factor to the commencement of World War I. President Wilson’s Fourteen Points: A speech by U.S President Woodrow Wilson, which outlines fourteen goals that the U.S would complete to bring peace to Europe following World War I. The fourteen points drafted a policy that stressed democracy, self-determination, free trade andShow MoreRelatedThe Reasons of the German Reunification Essay1281 Words  | 6 Pages The division of Germany into West Germany and East Germany emerged as a stopgap solution for the woeful state of the nation following its defeat in the Second World War. 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Routledge Companion to Accounting
Question: Discuss about the Routledge Companion to Accounting. Answer: Introduction The research paper deals with the extensive explanation of different phenomenon which is to be dealt in the paper regarding the attributes of positive accountancy and the factors which influence its major control over different organizations. When it comes to speculating different approaches which have to be taken while considering positive accountancy, there are factors which quite make it questionable as to the proper authentic nature of the theory to be used in the relevant measuring of an entire firm because in the real life definition of positive accountancy, the scope lies completely beyond the ones which are being practiced today. The basic literal definition of the theory explains that how accountancy and the different principles are used in the real life organization and to depict their success based on different signed projects and contracts. This particular paper however deals with analyzing a specific part of the organization while making the efficient use of positive accountancy and hence to develop a stable stance towards how the theory is not actually in its true essence. The argumentation which has been primarily used in this paper links that how positive accountancy theory needs renovation and new vision in comparison with its old methods (Freeman et al., 2014). This has also been explained in the research paper through the example of disciplinary matrix systems which are specifically designed to make puzzled equations and different problems arising in the organizations to be solved out. These methods of using such matrixes have been widely accepted by a certain number of elite people working in the large scale sectors of these organizations and hence set out an important precedence towards the adaptation of positive accountancy theories. The main argument which has been used in this research papers has been to prove that how the positive accountancy theory lacks credibility towards making other complex decisions and if the decisions of the elite classes can be modified, it can create more avenues for the renovation in the theory and hence make viable changes in the theory itself as well (Strumickas and Valanciene, 2015). The reasoning which has been set by the researchers and compilers of the papers is that the Positive accountancy theory carries a burden on itself into proving the scientific research method and hence if it proves to be inadequate through logical explanations, hence it can be termed as void and more innovations which have been preferred would become acceptable. The structure of the paper provides crucial insides towards explaining the importance and acceptance of accountancy in different scenarios in a company whereas highlighting the important aspects which have been discussed in the paper. The first aspect cans the scientific research proposal method. This method clearly sets important boundaries between understandings and how the organization actually draws a promulgation of a proposal in the required area of interest (Uno and Bartelmus, 2013). The structure also covers the paper intensive new proposed changes to the accountancy theory and identifying new solutions to age old problems whereas also giving out important ambits to make clear cut changes to accountancy methods. The main focus of this research paper, Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research, has been perplexed and majorly focused on providing different examples and speculations towards the implementation of positive accountancy research programs which would not only qualify as the major trends around the world but would also be the major use in many organizations around the world. The research question hence was provided as that how the deficiency in the positive accountancy theory lies and creates enough avenues for the rapid implementation of the research programs which aims at explaining things on more diverse levels. Hence the question was analyzed by using appropriate examples and analogies which further off were carried in the hypothesis. The question was answered by stating the need for the Research program in the current world and the current accountancy practices today. It showed that how the world operates on the concept of having prior knowledge to something and how that knowledge defines the steps which are taken by the people. Accountancy uses several of these principles which predict different actions and contributions of the people and hence the paper explained that how it should be shifted towards the research program rather than the people and companies relying on traditional ways using models and their testing (Bonin, 2013). The model and research hypothesis also deduced different factors to pointing out in the literature review that how the deficiency which exists in the theories of accountancy can create different problems for the companies. The key issue which was identified was that the relevancy of many principles have only been sought with their testing and hence the loop holes which exist in the testing phases present a major problem for the companies. Since accounting is the process of many people making their own judgments towards things, anything which would be made and accomplished by reasoning rational and even the ideas which might not be rational are known to be the part of the research program and hence their implementation holds monumental importance. Significance of the paper This research paper, Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research, has been compiled on different levels and uses different suggestion which make significant amount of changes into the theory being practiced in large scale organizations. The accountancy practices have been suggested with different recommendations that focus on changing how the variables and different calculations are performed in the organization. The first suggestion which has been made as the first refinement in the theory is the extensive use of different analytical models which focus their working on pure quantitative methods. These models have been specifically designed to be quite weak and vulnerable in order to provide more fluid calculations to the accountants (Van Mourik and Walton, 2013). The use of different models which have gained fame in the present environment has caused a lot of trouble. The second suggestion which has been made in the entire theory regarding the working of new accountant theories is the use of validations and constant testing phases of the concepts so that more accurate measurements and readings can be obtained. The current focus on developing more techniques which would develop and inter relation between different concepts such as auditing and tax calculations helps to maintain a steady flow of measurements in the organizations and hence focuses the primary attention towards testing out concepts and then implementing them on the models rather than just choosing different existent concepts which provide the measurements and hence are quite weak (Ghanbari et al., 2016). The paper also focuses on implementing different models and de motivates the use of testing on parameters which are often used for different accountancy practices; the model explains how positive accountancy can be done by using and comparing theoretical measures because these measures give off better results. Then loop holes which have been found to be presiding in the attestation of the parameters have been eliminated in the theoretical approaches of the same parameters (Vosslamber, 2013). The overall use of these innovations in the accountancy theories provides relative information to how these practices deviate a person from being more focused on the qualitative and in effective works and to a more better and prcised working which involves testing phases and research. The positive accountancy theory makes valid importance in different organizations by providing the people with the chance of becoming more close to scientific reasoning (Gaffikin and Aitken, 2014). It provides the necessary steps needed by the people to move from one accomplishment to another and stimulates more critical thinking. Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework which has been used in this model focuses specifically on different factors for considerations while making important validations. While the entire research problem has indicated that how the use of positive accountancy research has increased more human interaction with the world by completely pushing out the factors of only using logical explanations. The research program has initiated the use of judgments from the concerned people of the art and hence the entire framework of the papers lies on the concept of using different techniques which involve mathematical researches, graphs and quantities analysis techniques to determine how the research program is more fitting in the current world. The theoretical framework has been devised by using different analogies and theories from the Greek times. These theories ideally pose different speculative questions to the person and term the questions as important aspects which are needed by the people to understand the world. The theory suggests different events happening in the world and their influence on the people whereas the influence of human behavior on the very same event. The rational relation which can be drawn by this example can be said to be the use of extensive works and researches to show that how accountancy also holds the power of uniting people with more logical concepts and different concepts which often fail on the testing scores but their validity towards the project is always commendable. The entire framework defines different set of attributes with the theories and their physical implementations and then compared with the propositions made in the research programs to show more human prevalence and interacti on in these numbers (Al-Htaybat and von Alberti-Alhtaybat, 2013). Limitations and Methodology The research methods in every research papers are always based on their qualitative and quantitative approaches and hence focus all the indicators towards these specific examples. This particular research paper has been devised to be drawn on the basis of both these entities since both holds different results and have been proven to also have deviancies in their workings. The paper defines the set of theories which have been challenged by different individuals and hence who seek to disapprove the theories by implementing their own and for this purpose only the quantitative approach can be applied which would give off more fruitful results. The first methods which have been applied while calculating the research questions and their physical capabilities can be in the form of poppers method which idealized the theories and their usage in different phases to deduce the better ones. The key steps required in this method of research focuses on the people to identify new theories which they want to test out in comparison with an old one (Bebbington et al., 2014). The next step involves the people into making different tests and their assumptions by applying different short and new theories in those situations to make) them more fitting to the problems. These tests are made as close to the already existing problems which are being challenged and solved out by accountancy theory practices. The crucial step of the poppers method defined how the results of new theories as compared to the old ones in the same situations are compared to give off which is the better one and since both of these theories are being compared on equal l evels, it gives off the best quantitative approaches. This method has proved and promoted the creation of many new theories around the world which are often created on the spot for the problem solving of the issue (Gynther 2014). While analyzing the physical capabilities and research, the initial methods that were implemented, the method which seemed appropriate is a poppers method. This specific method idealizes the usage of theories at different levels; with the help of this we can derive the better one. With reference to (Bebbington et al., 2014), the core of this research targets the individuals to determine new theories and abandon the old ones. Moving forward, this involves different tests of individuals considering their assumptions by implementing divergent version of new and short theories in certain situations to make it more close to real and actual scenarios. Sorted and challenged by accountancy theory practices, the tests are designed considering already existing issues (Tyler, 2013). Most complicated yet useful part of poppers method elaborates the outcome of both new and old theories in the same circumstances and at the same level so the comparison becomes justified, here we can easily derive the main crux of quantitative approaches. Conclusion The overall research paper has been devised on making different speculations between two very different accounting methods. The first method promotes the use of different theories while making its calculations while the second program focuses on drawing different judgments into making the decisions (Kamau, 2016). The paper has been devised to introduce different test and analysis which not only provide more renovation to the existing theories but also make valid reasoning to why the scientific accountancy research program is a better choice for many organizations working today. The paper makes use of effective accountancy essence and promotes the active interactions of humans with these principles. References Al-Htaybat, K. and von Alberti-Alhtaybat, L., 2013. Management Accounting Theory Revisited: Seeking to Increase Research Relevance.International Journal of Business and Management,8(18), p.12. Bebbington, J., Unerman, J. and O'Dwyer, B., 2014.Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Bonin, H., 2013.Generational accounting: theory and application. Springer Science Business Media. Freeman, R.J., Shoulders, C.D., Allison, G.S., Smith Jr, G.R. and Becker, C.J., 2014. Governmental and nonprofit accounting: theory and practice.JPAEJOURNAL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS EDUCATION VOLUME 20 NUMBER 3, p.441. Gaffikin, M. and Aitken, M., 2014.The Development of Accounting Theory (RLE Accounting): Significant Contributors to Accounting Thought in the 20th Century. Routledge. Ghanbari, M., Manesh, M.Z., Hamid Khorasani, M.H. and Nejad, H., 2016. PAT (Positive Accounting Theory) and Natural Science. Gynther, R.S., 2014.Accounting for Price-Level ChangesTheory and Procedures: Pergamon International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Social Studies. Elsevier. Kamau, C.G., 2016.Effect of Management Practices on Creative Accounting among Corporations Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange(Doctoral dissertation, JKUAT). Prodhan, B. and Al Najjar, F., 2014.Accounting Research Database (RLE Accounting)(Vol. 60). Routledge. Scerrati, E., Lugli, L., Borghi, A.M. and Nicoletti, R., 2016. Is the acoustic modality relevant for abstract concepts? An investigation with implicit measures. InMODELACT Conference ACTION, LANGUAGE and COGNITION (Rome). Strumickas, M. and Valanciene, L., 2015. Development of Modern Management Accounting System.Engineering Economics,21(4). Tyler, M.M., 2013.Corporate voluntary emissions disclosure in Australia: a multi-theoretical accounting perspective. Uno, K. and Bartelmus, P. eds., 2013.Environmental accounting in theory and practice(Vol. 11). Springer Science Business Media. Van Mourik, C. and Walton, P., 2013.The Routledge Companion to Accounting, Reporting and Regulation. Routledge. Vosslamber, R., 2013. Accounting Theory: Research, Regulation and Accounting Practice.Pacific Accounting Review.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Liz Claiborne Inc. and its Portfolio of Brands
Driving Forces: Liz Claiborne, Inc. Liz Claiborne is a name popular in the apparel and fashion business. The brand speaks for itself. Its growth has been unprecedented that can be attributed to several factors. The firm has a different type of business strategy: it manufactures products through subcontracting companies throughout the world. Claiborne’s managers occupy two buildings in New York while their workers are working in factories in more than thirty countries worldwide. But there is more to this that has attributed to the firm’s successes in the past.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Liz Claiborne Inc. and its Portfolio of Brands specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During World War II, Liz Claiborne fled the Nazis to study art and to start a career in the apparel and fashion industry. Her special design was for the American working women so they could have an alternative to the traditional dark tailored suits. She introduced a classic style for women that would last for years with a price that is not exorbitant. (Siggelkow 55) Liz Claiborne had the urge and the motivation. While working in a company that manufactured sportswear, she thought she could do more. It was not only sportswear that she had in mind, it was something formal that the ordinary American woman could wear, be comfortable of her clothing and be proud about it. She worked for her dream, i.e. to make a powerful brand that would empower the working, professional women who are left with no other choice but to wear the traditional dresses not fit for the modern American woman. An initial driving force of Liz Claiborne was the emerging demographic at the time she founded her company; this was the working women of America. In 1960, there was an estimated 21.9 million American women working in different industries. This was an ever growing working class because by the 1990s, it grew to 53.5 million, an equivalen t of 45 percent of the working class of America. (Siggelkow 54) Ms. Claiborne had noted the lack of choice the working American woman had at that time when it came to career clothing. The young Liz was then a designer of women’s sportswear in a company known as ‘Youth Guild’. She knew that the market segment of the working American women was growing and that she had to grab the opportunity because she felt she had a role to play with respect to fashion and apparel for American women. When ‘Youth Guild’ closed down, Ms. Claiborne saw a greater opportunity.Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Along with her husband Arthur Ortenberg, who was also involved in the apparel industry as a consultant, Liz Claiborne opened up a company to design apparel for the professional women of America. (Siggelkow 54) She wanted to save the American women from being too t raditional through their clothing and formal wear. She knew she could do something. By her creative design and experience she started the Liz Claiborne Lines, providing the women of her time a casual but unique American wear. Claiborne products also include fragrance products. Now, Liz Claiborne brands are for high-end fashion apparel that includes the moderate fashion apparel for women of all ages and nationalities. Claiborne’s strategy all through the years has been subcontracting. Her style was to go to different countries, particularly in Asia, provide workshops and do presentations for her new designs and fashion, then go back to her headquarters in New York. The companies she worked with knew her strategy and so they offered their expertise for her designs. (Siggelkow 55) Liz Claiborne is a global organization. It is global not only in the sense that it operates internationally but also it is working under certain circumstances, and this includes the structure, the moti vation, the market, and so forth. In the age of globalization and high-technology, Liz Claiborne’s strategy has become effective. Distance is no longer a problem because of the popularity of the Internet. Claiborne’s designers and managers do not need to go to other countries to demonstrate and instruct their subcontracting companies on how to follow their designs. They can use the Internet and teleconferencing to do it. It can use screen-based activities. Features of the Internet provide interactive methods or networks. There are many opportunities and realities the world has offered because of globalization. Transportation has been revolutionized allowing people to travel faster than the speed of sound. Technology is the powerful force that now drives the world toward a converging commonality. Outsourcing has become a trend in the age of globalization. With countries like China and India and the rest of the Asian countries now offering cheap labor, global firms can o utsource their production that are labor-intensive. Global companies can utilize the services of outsourcing companies which offer cheap labor. Their costs are relatively low. Liz Claiborne has tapped the emerging market and the cheap labor that could also facilitate an effective supply chain.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Liz Claiborne Inc. and its Portfolio of Brands specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is what the firm has been doing. In the beginning, Liz Claiborne and her husband would personally go to Asian countries, particularly Taiwan and Hong Kong, to demonstrate and instruct the employees of subcontracting companies on their designs. But this is now easily done. There is no need of personally going to those places where subcontracting is being done. The Internet and teleconferencing can provide the necessary tool for two parties to interact and communicate. Globalization has become phenomenal due to the high-technology tools that have sprung these past decades. ‘We have become globalized’ means we can now connect and conduct business with the rest of the world so easily. With just a computer with internet connection, we can connect with anyone around the world that has an Internet connection. Any sort of business can be benefited with Internet applications. ‘Globalization is happening, faster and faster. But it is far from complete, and far from inevitable. Globalization can disrupt, but it can also empower. What does it all mean, for real people in the real workaday world?’ (Larsson 3) Advancement made in communication and the internet makes it very easy to connect with people in the other side of the globe. The global age is here and will continue to dominate man’s activities – businesses for that matter – for many years ahead, centuries perhaps, with more and more industries emerging everyday as a result of new tools, innovat ions, and inventions made by man. Because of these advances, changes, innovations, or development, and new industries are formed. Liz Claiborne has international-based brands. These brands are for retail outlets but they also have MEXX, which has become an international name. They have partnered brands which are for men and women. Liz Claiborne brands also include Dana Buchman, Kensie, Monet, and many more. But the strategy has evolved; they have retails for domestic and international markets. Since Claiborne is a global organization, it licenses third parties to provide cost-effective utilization and sale of Claiborne products. (Liz Claiborne Inc. – Company Overview) Another driving force for Liz Claiborne is its philanthropic activities. Liz Claiborne believes that one way of continuous successes in the corporate world is to give back. By this, Liz Claiborne formed the Liz Claiborne Foundation, a vehicle of Claiborne’s corporate social responsibility (CSR). Claiborne has close contact with the communities they have businesses with and the various civic organizations for partnerships. Their primary focus is on women who are victims of domestic violence. (Liz Claiborne Inc. – Philanthropic Programs)Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Managers can drive forces either up or down. This happened to Liz Claiborne. There were low sides in business for Liz Claiborne. In 1992, problems started to surface. Its sales were down and market capitalization went down fast at $1.3 billion by the closing period of 1994. A series of strategies in operations and marketing, implemented by the new CEO Paul Charron enabled Liz Claiborne to rise again. The company’s capitalization went up to $3.2 billion. (Siggelkow 54) Organizational performance is responsible for this trend. The managerial capabilities of Claiborne were responsible for the downward trend of the sales and its losses in the stock market. The top management team (TMT) of Claiborne that could have identified opportunities was a driving force for the firm to lose those opportunities. The opportunities are internal and external factors. (Kor and Mahoney, 2000; Bosch and Wijk, 2001 as qtd. in Chen 1) Knowledge and expertise of the managers failed to identify the fac tors that could have maintained Liz Claiborne’s lead in the apparel and fashion industry. And when the company changed the CEO, there was sudden upturn in the sales of the firm, including the price of its share. This was because the new CEO, Paul Charron, instituted drastic operational and marketing reforms. Key Success Factors Designing and marketing are two of Claiborne’s specialized techniques in business. Their premium brands include Juicy Couture, Lucky Brand, and more. JC Penney has the sole right of manufacturing and distribution of some of the department store-based brands. Liz Claiborne was accompanied by her husband and two other partners Leonard Boxer and Jerome Chazen when they started the fashion apparel company that later became a multi-billion dollar business. (Liz Claiborne Company Heritage) Originality and innovations are some of Liz Claiborne’s success factors. She was a designer by birth and her quest to help women like her made her a true des igner for the professional women. Liz Claiborne is said to be the inventor of â€Å"imported fashion merchandise†. She imported the products she designed (Collins 106). While the rest of her competitors were working under one roof, or that their workers and managers were working in one building and one factory. Claiborne perfected the concept of subcontracting to different factories in Asia and the rest of the world. Subcontracting has become a trend because of Liz Claiborne’s successes. Prices were low despite the fact that they were considered designer level. These were compatible with Calvin Klein and Bill Blass, but still affordable for the professional women. Another success factor is Claiborne’s ethical standards which are said to be the backbone of a successful organization. This is what Claiborne aimed to do. Their ethical standards are guided by the virtues of honesty, integrity and their accountability to the people. Because of this, they have gained r espect from their customers and partners. (Liz Claiborne Inc.: A Portfolio of Brands) The strategy of selling is also one of a kind. Claiborne’s first strategy focused on selling via large department stores. In the United States and Canada, Claiborne accounted for about 9,500 locations filled with products on apparel and fashion. This was aided by four of the largest department stores, namely Dillard’s, May, Macy’s and one which was composed of several stores, Federated Department Stores. Liz Claiborne introduced a presentation format unique from other fashion designer companies. They used what Liz Claiborne called â€Å"Claiboards†and â€Å"Lizmap diagrams†. These presentation materials contained sketches and pictures including notes and instructions on how their products should be presented to the public. The pieces of merchandise were grouped together and each group had its own name or label. Claiborne’s strategy is to sell their product s as a collection rather than ordinary clothing or apparel. Presenting their merchandize as a collection is an effective way of selling to a great number of loyal customers. (Siggelkow 56) According to the Liz Claiborne website, department stores used to have a classification-oriented style of selling. This means pants were sold in one section of the store, skirts in another area, and shirts are also separately sold in another department. This provided difficulty to women in that when they would try to assemble an outfit, they would have to transfer from one place to another in the department store. In order to solve this problem, Liz Claiborne Inc. managers talked it out with department owners and retailers on the way the different sportswear collection would be presented. They should be in one location. (Liz Claiborne Inc.: Company Heritage) Consultants travelled to many places to ensure that Claiborne’s products were arranged and presented to the public correctly. For all these stores, a special space was provided to present the entire Claiborne collection. The presentation of the merchandize proved effective as many provided positive feedback. (Siggelkow 56) Among Claiborne’s strategic innovations is the use of technology in its processes. The company website is a 24/7 interactive method wherein customers can make suggestions and also air their complaints. Claiborne also uses technology in their design of products. They use computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) in the design of apparel and fashion products. This is one of the productive means of the company, the use of computers. Speed in manufacturing and quality of products are one of the benefits of using CAM. Other large and successful companies in different industries also use CAM. Another computer method used in making designs is computer-aided design (CAD). Integrating these two concepts – CAM and CAD – allow for more speed, accuracy and quality of the design. Combining CAM and CAD provides ways for a new process known as computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM). CIM enables manufacturers to design the product and to control the machinery that makes the products. (Pride et al. 288) Claiborne is also affected by the growing tide of globalization. It is a knowledge-based organization, and its workforce is composed of a pool of talented and expert designers. Claiborne has invested on its employees. The company also aims for customer satisfaction and loyalty; its products and services are quality-oriented. The company sees to it that the company adheres to quality management and best practice. Their strategy is customer-driven, a success factor effective up to today. Claiborne aims for talents and customer’s focus and loyalty and also sees the importance of focusing on their employees because they see the relation between contented employees and contented customers. Satisfied employees result in satisfied customers. Meeting the customer’s need s and wants is a business trend in the age of globalization. Liz Claiborne aims for customer loyalty while keeping cost of production low. This is shooting two birds in one shot but difficult to achieve; difficult because meeting the customer’s needs and wants at the same time minimizing cost of production do not ensure quality product or service. Claiborne focuses on quality in design. Most of the companies nowadays, particular the global ones, prefer standardized products which can be manufactured by outsourcing companies from China, in order to minimize production costs and the flow of supply chain. The apparel industry is labor-intensive; its process of manufacturing requires the services of more people, which is unlike other manufacturing processes where they use machines and robots to manufacture the products. Claiborne’s strategy of subcontracting may be similar to outsourcing strategy. It has been proven effective. Liz Claiborne does not own factories where the y can produce quality apparel. Claiborne’s strategy has long been introduced since its inception as a global company. Products are produced by companies throughout the world. But quality is not sacrificed. They have their own quality control checked by their own managers. (Collins 104) Application of Information Technology Customer interaction is now enhanced by technology and the Internet or the World Wide Web. Customers can ask questions or complain through company websites or through emails. Modern information technology used in supply chain includes Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) which is the information transmission backbone of manufacturing companies and supply interfaces. The popularity of the Internet has led to the introduction of Internet-based EDI. Another important factor that brought success to Liz Claiborne is its application of knowledge management. Knowledge management has made it successfully handle the cost, quality and the different improvements for the organization and its branches overseas. Knowledge management is significant to Claiborne’s global operations and in the study of innovations and adoption. When we say knowledge, we usually understand this to mean theoretical knowledge or practical knowledge, but it also includes experience and skills. In the age of globalization, knowledge is both a product and resource. Knowledge and knowledge management are significant developments in the new globalizing environment. Competitive advantage among organizations is more pronounced with the knowledge people possessed, or what is termed, ‘people-embodied knowhow’ (Rodriguez and de Pablos, 2002, p. 174). Firms are focusing on what their people know, and invest much on intellectual capital. More success factors are attributed to the right fashion they have introduced to the public. From the firm’s initial demographic of the professional women of America, Liz Claiborne has introduced almost any brand for men and women; thus the brand â€Å"Claiborne†(for no gender) has stayed for men and women’s clothing. Their fashion styles introduced to the public are long lasting. Claiborne has a strong brand that they could boast of. These brands have their own particular niche focus. The firm also has a decentralized form of management with departments and units making their own decisions. These decisions are automatically carried out with speed and accuracy. ( Competencies Brands are a name that cannot be taken away by competitors. Sometimes, it’s the brand that competitors are trying to beat and not the product, although the brand speaks for the products. Claiborne has multiple quality brands like Kensie, Kensiegirl, DKNY, etc. These brands are international names and they compete with well known other brands like Zara of Inditex and Hennes and Maurits (HM), etc. Added to the brands were the so-called apparel seasons to meet customer demands and taste. Liz Claiborne was concerned with the buying patterns of customers in order to guide their production processes. Other companies in other industries usually do this particular in-house survey to determine customer demands and loyalty. Some of these companies come from the automotive industry, like for example Yamaha, Honda or Toyota. (Bower and Hout 49) Liz Claiborne opened retail stores aside from going wholesale and selling their products through exclusive contracts with department stores. In 2006, Liz Claiborne competed with other retail stores like Apple, Bose, and Nine West, to find ways to test customer loyalty and following. The stores boasted the company’s exposure to their customers, not only on the market segment that the company serves. (Anderson) In 2008, Liz Claiborne Inc. granted license to Elizabeth Arden, Inc. for the latter to manufacture, sell and distribute Claiborne fragrance products. These fragrance products include JuicyCouture, Usher, Mambo and other fragrances. (Eli zabeth Arden, Inc.) E. Scott Beattie, the CEO and Chairman of Elizabeth Arden, Inc. said that the licensing agreement was a strategic move for both firms that could also bring competitive advantage on their respective companies. The alliance also brought benefits such as improved market share and more profits for Arden in their American fragrance stores; improved supply chain and a wider organizational perspective; increased customer and more sales from a wider audience. Growth in earnings and sales for the company was expected by 2009. (Elizabeth Arden, Inc.) The licensing agreement was made effective with some conditions such as the fulfillment of the requirements of the law known as the Hart-Scott Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976. (Elizabeth Arden, Inc.) Elizabeth Arden, Inc. was founded by Miss Elizabeth Arden in 1919, with specialty in beauty products. Like Liz Claiborne, its mission was to initially ‘serve’ the American woman and it first focused on this particular market segment. Through the years, its strategy has been for continuous innovations. They have tapped other market segments aside from the women demographic. (Elizabeth Arden) Many of Claiborne’s brands have been carried or sold by big department stores. But department stores nationwide suffered a setback; many of them are not earning that big anymore probably because of the recent economic downturn. The once popular and big chains of department stores have been closed. One chain, the Marshall Field, had been changed to Macy’s. Claiborne lost a bit of its popularity. (Boone and Kurtz 376) Liz Claiborne had to part ways with some of the big department stores that sold its products for years. Claiborne is now exclusively contracted by JC Penny to sell its men’s, women’s and other product lines for ten years. In short, Claiborne moved from Macy’s to have an exclusive contract with JC Penny and no other department store shall have the opport unity to sell Claiborne products. Under this agreement, JC Penny also has the exclusive right – if it wants to – to buy Claiborne products in five years. The arrangement also states that Claiborne will continue to be designer of the apparel and fashion products and JC Penney will do all the other responsibilities like production and marketing, procurement of raw materials and promotion and distribution of the finished products to end users. (Boone and Kurtz 376) JC Penney had in the past demonstrated that it could successfully market Claiborne products. With respect to Claiborne subcontracting style, Claiborne developed a special bond with apparel suppliers in Asia. In Hong Kong, the company Fang Brothers made their factories available for Claiborne. Fang Brothers was a growing company in the 1960s until it expanded to other countries like Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia. It also expanded to Panama and Ireland. The Fang Brothers was good at the strategy known as â€Å"triangle manufacturing†. In this particular strategy, U.S. companies and other importers would place their apparel orders through companies, for example Fang Brothers who, because of over capacity, would place the same orders to affiliate factories located in other Asian countries that offered lower cost of production. (Collins 108) In Europe, Liz Claiborne’s competitors include Zara and Hennes and Mauritz (HM). Zara and HM are said to be low-cost competitors. Liz Claiborne goes for quality although its prices are not so exorbitant. Zara and HM have been expanding to markets of the same segment. (Ryans 4) Zara is owned by Inditex and is into the international apparel market and fashion, which are customer-driven markets. It is continuously growing and said to be leading in Europe. Following closely is Hennes and Mauritz (HM) which outsources most of its products at lower cost. Like Liz Claiborne, Zara is quality-oriented. It produces 60% of its products and intr oduces quality management. Unlike HM, Zara ensures that its customers are satisfied and hopes to come back to buy more of its products. Zara is more liquid but, like the rest of international firms, is affected by the growing tide of globalization. It is a knowledge-based organization, and its workforce is composed of a pool of talented and expert individuals. Inditex, Zara’s mother company, sees to it that the company adheres to quality management and best practice. The company’s financial standing is as healthy as ever. (Inditex) Zara and HM have been closed competitors of Liz Claiborne, quite a feat for the two since Liz Claiborne is more of a traditional and considered â€Å"higher end manufacture†in the industry, while the two are considered low-cost. They however have been expanding and their financial standings are also considered healthy. To solve the problem of competition, Zara and HM have used high-profile endorsers such as Madonna and Kylie Minogue. (Ryans 15) This also challenged the firm of Liz Claiborne. In responding to the challenge of competitors on low prices, Liz Claiborne also had to act or she could lose some of her following and some profits. Claiborne used the same strategy by producing apparel and fashion products of low cost, something very affordable to the working women. Talking of globalization, this has affected even the smallest firm. But it has worked in Liz Claiborne’s advantage. Liz Claiborne manages a pool of expert managers but not an entire workforce. Production line is handled by subcontracting firms. Claiborne goes to a country and instructs supervisors of firms doing the production. It has only to make sure that the design is being followed to the smallest detail. After that, the Claiborne and her managers go home to their headquarters. Globalization has modernized the concept of human resource. International HRM explores how global organizations manage the demands of ensuring that the organi zation has an international coherence and cost-effective approach to the way it manages its people in all the countries it covers, while at the same time ensuring that it is responsive to the differences in assumptions and in what works from one location to another. This is very relevant to managing an organization of different culture. There are countless other issues that have to be addressed by the assigned senior manager and staffs. Claiborne’s managers do not manage a workforce in a factory setting. They just have to present their design and go home to their headquarters. Finished products are presented to them. And finances would be taken care of by their people on a contractual basis. Although this strategy of Claiborne’s is not new, it has been perfected by the firm. Distinct Competitive Advantages Claiborne’s strategy is marketing orientated which requires that a number of changes takes place in the organization, in practices and in attitudes. Implement ing the marketing concept requires more than paying lip service to the ideas inherent in the concept. Behavioral sciences can lead to an understanding of buyer behavior. Liz Claiborne saw the opportunity when she founded the company, along with her husband and a few trusted friends in the apparel and fashion industry. She knew the business and how to run it. She had discovered her niche and her market segment, capitalizing on the gender she was most acquainted with and her creativity and experience. Liz Claiborne knew what to sell and to whom. She analyzed the future of the company and the market she was in. In doing this, a company can shift focus to analyzing what the future holds with the customer. This may include determining if the customer may still want to deal with the company, or buy products from the company or shift to other competitors. The information on customer satisfaction is vital in the improvement and enhancement of the product. This information and data can be li nked back to the manufacturer for further quality enhancement. Liz Claiborne became aware of this when the firm attained competitive advantage. Competitive advantage became more visible when in the year 1999. Liz Claiborne produced more than 120 million pieces of clothing from 256 factories around the world that supplied these products (Collins 105). Liz Claiborne had used this strategy since the 1970s and has come to perfect it with ease and accuracy to make the firm ahead of the competition. ‘Strategic competitiveness is achieved when a firm successfully formulates and implements a value-creating strategy.’ (Hitt et al. 4) This value creating strategy was attained even during Liz Claiborne’s early years as a firm producing apparel and fashion products. It gradually grew and came to its height of corporate success. In 1976, Liz Claiborne started with a capital of $250,000. It was a small capitalization that became big. Five years later, it went public and earned revenues of up to $116 million, becoming a part of the Fortune 500 list. This was a feat by a woman at that time. Fortune also said that Liz Claiborne had become the top earner with respect to the year-end equity in the 1980s. Then in 1991, Liz Claiborne earned more than $2 billion with its shares of stock rising. An investor who bought $10,000 worth of shares from Liz Claiborne was assured of a profit for investment of up to $610,000 (Siggelkow 54). In 1996, Claiborne’s profit reached $155.7 million, even surpassing Wall Street’s prediction (Kernaghan 36). Claiborne’s top management was successful at the beginning, although later it experienced rough sailing. They effectively used strategic management by focusing on the capabilities of their human resource, designers and managers who were properly screened, tested and trained. A successful strategic management allows for competitive advantage or edge for the organization. In strategic HRM, strategies and peopl e are involved; in other words, the firm was putting people together, including their talents, skills and capabilities, to make the business successful. The concept of strategic HRM is based on the important part of the HRM philosophy that emphasizes the strategic nature of HRM and the need to integrate human resource strategy with the business strategy (Armstrong, 2000, p. 6). The top management team (TMT) failed to deliver the necessary managerial capabilities to its senior and medium-level managers that forced Claiborne’s sales and stocks to go down. The top management team which is responsible for the managerial capabilities of Claiborne failed in their strategic management. When the firm replaced the CEO with a new one, Paul Charron, who instituted reforms, the sales and stocks rose. Moreover, Claiborne’s supply chain also adds to its competitive advantage. The firm has focused on quality, least cost, and effective utilization of the resources to provide the goods and services to the end users at the shortest possible time. Supply chain management is traditionally focused on least-cost transaction, but the new trend in business-to-business transaction is long-term relationship. Claiborne’s subcontracting firms are from Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries in Asia. Claiborne maintains a good relationship with these firms, assuring the conditions for a safe and fast delivery of products to the end users. This strategy can test the customers and consumers. The question that is always in the mind of the marketing manager is: â€Å"will the customer come back?†One significant strategy in meeting the needs and wants of customers is introducing an approach to supply chain that aims back at the customer. Satisfying their needs and wants is always a challenge to marketers. Knowing the customers’ needs have become a foundation for which a company is founded. Customer focus is vital to supply chain. The customer wants to be under stood, and the marketer can interpret this by answering what he/she wants of the product. The information can be inputted back to the customer for enhancement of the product. If it is service-oriented, the company has to modify the service. Supply chain has to be continually improved in order to attain customer satisfaction and loyalty, while customer focus can reflect satisfaction and loyalty. An excellent supply chain management can attain customer satisfaction; at the same time, customer satisfaction may lead to loyalty, although satisfaction does not necessarily lead to loyalty. Before loyalty can be attained, customer closeness is crucial; meaning some activities have to be geared towards contacting the customer in order to acquire more data and information about the product, and how the customer reacts to the product, including suggestions for improvement. Acquiring more profits, which is one of the major goals of companies, seems to be not a sure goal. It is also one of the d ifficult objectives to achieve. There are more and more products being manufactured but there are fewer customers who buy these products. Companies, or global business and organizations, have to find their segments and customers because they have more products to sell. There is a surplus of products and less customers. In other words, organizations around the world compete to gain more customers, and one way of gaining more customers is to win their trust, answer and meet their needs and wants, and make sure that they come back. It is not enough that they buy the company’s products; it is important that they come back; this is loyalty. Supply chain is an important factor to consider in attaining customer satisfaction. When a product is being bought by a customer, it must be delivered quickly, with ease and comfort of delivery, and must have the desired quality that the customer asks for. Subcontracting has assured Liz Claiborne of an effective supply chain. The firm sees to i t that their designs are followed and manufactured on time. Marketing however has been changed every now and then to answer the demands of the changing times. As stated in the section for ‘Competencies’, Liz Claiborne entered an agreement with Elizabeth Arden, Inc. for the manufacture and sales of Claiborne fragrance products. This is one way of creating a fast and effective supply chain. Elizabeth Arden, Inc. is a former competitor that has turned into an ally and promoter of Claiborne products. Claiborne products are manufactured by manufacturing companies through subcontracting and now delivered exclusively by JC Penney. JC Penney has acquired exclusive rights to manufacture and sell Claiborne products. JC Penney can provide an effective supply chain for Claiborne products. Innovations and changes are continuously introduced into Claiborne’s strategies. This is to answer organizational and customer needs. An example is Claiborne’s introduction of what t hey call â€Å"fashion moderates†, from branded and costly fashion apparel to â€Å"fashion moderates†. The price has been lowered to meet customer demands and expectations. (Collins 104) The company also emphasizes diversity in the organization and in the workplace. The strategy is to emphasize inclusion that should be a part of the organizational culture and cultural fabric. Inclusion is synonymous with diversity. It allows a collection of ideas and concepts to help in everyone’s advancement and the organization’s. Training and development are a part of this so-called cultural fabric. (Liz Claiborne, Inc.: Diversity) The firm also emphasizes inclusion to its various suppliers and associates. They regard inclusion as very important to company principle and philosophy. It is a shared responsibility that should be practiced by every executive and employee. Senior executives should be leaders to promote inclusion. All of their associates share the responsib ility of honoring everyone’s contribution for the fulfillment of the organization’s objectives. Works Cited Anderson, George. Liz Claiborne to Open Stores. Retailwire, 21 Mar. 2006. Web. Armstrong, Michael. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Kogan Page Limited, 2006. 6. Print. Boone, Louis E. and David L. Kurtz. Contemporary Marketing. United States of America: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010, 2012. Print. Bower, Joseph L. and Thomas M. Hout. Fast-Cycle Capability for Competitive Power. The Product Development Challenge: Competing Through Speed, Quality, and Creativity. By Kim B. Clark and Steven C. Wheelwright. United States of America: President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1994. 49. Print. Chen, Pao-Lien. The Performance Implications of the Evolution of Managerial Capabilities in the Context of Industry Evolution. United States of America: ProQuest, 2007. Collins, Jane Lou. Threads: Gender, Labor, and Power in the Global Apparel Indust ry. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; London: The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., 2003. Print. Elizabeth Arden. About Elizabeth Arden, 2011. Web. Elizabeth Arden, Inc. Nasdaq OMX: GlobeNewswire, 2008. Web. Hitt, Micahel A., R. Duane Ireland, and Robert E. Hoskisson. Strategic Management: Competitiveness Globalization, Concepts. OH, USA: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009. Print. Inditex. Zara Improves its Ranking in Interbrand’s Annual List of Global Brands. 10 May 2011. Web. Kernaghan, Charles. Behind the Label: â€Å"Made in China†. United States of America: DIANE Publishing, 1998. Web. Larsson, Tomas. The Race to the Top: The Real Story of Globalization. Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 2001. ISBN: 1930865147, 9781930865143. Print. Liz Claiborne Inc.: A Portfolio of Brands. Our Vision. 2011. 6 October 2011. Web. Liz Claiborne Inc.: A Portfolio of Brands. Company Overview. 2011. 8 October 2011. Web. Liz Claiborne Inc.: A Portfolio of Brands. Philanthro pic Programs. 2011. 8 October 2011. Web. Pride, William, Robert Hughes, and Jack Kapoor. Foundations of Business. United States of America: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2009. Print. Rodriguez, J. de Pablos, P. O. Strategic Human Resource Management: An Organisational Learning Perspective. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, Vol. 2, Numbers 3-4/2002. 27 September 2011. Web. Ryans, Adrian. Beating Low Cost Competition: How Premium Brands can Respond to Cut-Price Rivals. England: John Wiley Sons Ltd., 2008. Print. Liz Claiborne Inc., 2005. 8 October 2011. Web. Siggelkow, Nicolaj. Change in the Presence of Fit: The Rise, the Fall, and the Renaissance of Liz Claiborne. Strategy Process: Shaping the Contours of the Field. By Bala Cakravarthy. United States of America: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2003. 54-56. Print. This report on Liz Claiborne Inc. and its Portfolio of Brands was written and submitted by user Juan Shepherd to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Spanish Verbs of Happening
Spanish Verbs of Happening Spanish has at least three verbs that can mean to happen, and all three of them - pasar, ocurrir and suceder - are fairly common. Although pasar is the most common and can be used in both formal and informal contexts, many times the three verbs are interchangeable. Pasar Uses and Examples As indicated in the lesson on pasar, pasar has a variety of meanings, including to pass in various senses. Here are some examples of where it can be translated as to happen:  ¿Quà © ha pasado con el robo de datos en PlayStation Network? What has happened with the data theft on the PlayStation network?Lo que pasà ³, pasà ³. What happened, happened.Yo no sà © lo que me pasà ³. I dont know what happened to me.Tememos lo que pasar a nuestro alrededor. We fear what will be happening to our vicinity.Es el lugar donde nunca pasa en tiempo. Its the place where nothing happens on time. OcurrirUses and Examples Ocurrir is a cognate of the English to occur and has much the same meaning, although the synonym to happen is a more common translation. Some examples: Esto nunca ocurrir. This will never happen.Espero que ocurra lo que les dice el horà ³scopo de hoy. I hope what todays horoscope is telling you happens. ¿Quà © ocurrià ³ en el accidente del Challenger? What happened in the Challenger accident?Lo mejor que puede ocurrir es que tengo mi dà a en corte. The best that can happen is that I have my day in court.Me ocurrià ³ un problema similar. A similar problem happened to me. SucederUses and Examples Suceder also is often used to mean to happen. Note that while suceder is related to the English verb to succeed, it never has the meaning of to have success, although it can mean succeed in the sense of to take the place of as in suceder al trono, to succeed to the throne. Here are some examples of where it means happen: It Happened One Night es conocida en castellano como Sucedià ³ una noche. It Happened One Night is known in Spanish as Sucedià ³ una noche.No debo pensar que a mi nunca me suceder algo malo. I shouldnt think that nothing bad will ever happen to me.Hay diez cosas que seguro que nos sucedieron a todos. There are 10 things Im sure have happened to all of us. ¿Quà © sucede con Fernando? Whats happening with Fernando?En el camino de la vida, muchas cosas suceden. On the road of life, many things happen. Etymology Pasar comes from the Latin verb passare, to pass. Occurir is from the Latin occurrere, to occur. In addition to the meaning of to happen, in the reflexive form ocurrirse can, like occur, also mean to bring to mind: Nunca se me ocurrià ³ que iba a ser actor. It never occurred to me that I was going to become an actor. Suceder comes from the Latin succedere, to follow or to take the place of. Suceder has come to mean to happen in the same way that English speakers give the same meaning to to take place. The shift in English of succeed to mean having success occurred after the verbs meaning was established in Spanish.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A brief analysis of Robert frosts poem the Gift Outright
A brief analysis of Robert frost's poem the Gift Outright The Gift Outright: Analysis of Robert Frost’s Poem Robert Frost’s poem The Gift Outright renders its readers with many interpretive options as to what analogies he is hiding behind his words. I think in Frost’s The Gift Outright, he is trying to emphasize that triumph, surrender, and sacrifice are what led to the outright gift that is America. For years, what is now America was a colony under the reign of the British; American’s identities were not solely in themselves but partially based in the British traditions that had been heavily emphasized- because of this many struggled to become one with the land. Colonials slowly fought for independence in each of the states; Frost uses this to exemplify when the Americans began to triumph over England’s rule and make the land thine own: â€Å"†¦She was ours/ In Massachusetts, in Virginia, / But we were England’s†(3-5). The author uses these lines to show that they do have small victories towards the progression of their own nation/land. But they are still England’s and are failing to be apart of the change that will shape and solidify their nation state; they posses the land, but the land does not posses them- they took over the land without taking over the responsibilities she came with. Triumph can only come if there is once a trial, and at times humanity surrenders to the trials they face. The gift of land came at a personal expense, a sacrifice; because they would not receive without first giving: â€Å"Such as we were we gave ourselves outright††¦Ã¢â‚¬ Such as she was, such as she will bec ome.†(12,16). In these lines Frost is demonstrating that the imperfect citizens gave themselves to the imperfect land to build something much greater; the dedication of the people will help America to achieve its full potential by enhancing her with art and stories. Surrendering parts of themselves to the development of America is not the only sacrifice Frost exemplifies in his poem. The decolonization of America and the personalization of her land was the cause for the passing of many lives. The sacrifice and demise of many souls was subtly mentioned by Frost: â€Å"(The deed of the gift was many deeds of war)†(13). I think Frost is trying to prove that although the gift was outright, it was merely the opposite. The land was not entirely the peoples; it was fought for- a lot of conflict and oppression was ensued to create a free nation. Frost adopts the use of brackets; this allows for war to be mentioned indirectly but insists that the wages of war that resulted in victory, not be forgotten. Frost’s poem captivates the readers, making them feel the responsibilities and duties of the land that the Americans once felt as their own. Such allowed construal as the poem progressed and the meaning behind The Outright Gift became increasingly complex, and intimate. Frost depicted the American’s identity in an uncontemporary way through the triumph, surrender, and sacrifice that had been endured.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The New Strategy by the Seven-Eleven Stores Essay
The New Strategy by the Seven-Eleven Stores - Essay Example This will paralyze the distribution and meet the customer’s needs. The new strategy was anchored on demand, which was seasonal and was dependent on the new products thus this faced the risk of collapsing when the season was over. In addition, the decision-making process is made within three days, which means some decisions can contribute to business collapse as some decisions needed a lot of time (Akira 2003, p.66).  The Seven Eleven Company in Japan employed the use of the integrated store information system that aimed at simplifying its mode of operations. The installed information system connected each outlet, distribution stores, suppliers, and the headquarters of the company. The company in1991 developed two-way and online communication that enabled the company to link with their suppliers and customers’. In 2007, the Seven-Eleven introduced internet shopping that enabled the company to meet their customers online by enabling the customers to buy the products online that were not in their retail shops. This online service solved the problem of transportation while delivering goods to their clients situated in various parts of Japan. The distribution system of the company was flexible enough to change their delivery services to their clients thus meeting their demand (Akira 2003, p.67).This provided the customers with the element of convenience since they could not travel to retail shops to make purchases. The company further concentrated on regional merchandizing thus enabling them to meet their customer preferences easily.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Adolescene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Adolescene - Essay Example And the particular situation they are in and how they react to it helps them mature morally. Roger was in a hurry to get a pair of shoes. For him end was more important than the means. But the lady he was trying to rob very sternly and warmly handled his situation and he did learn that means of achieving the end goal matter too. Kostya is not afraid to take up any kind of work. Young people dare to face any situation and they dare to dream. Kostya too, with her ‘What a one man can do, another man can do’ attitude was ready to face life without scared of consequences. And TJ was internalizing all conflicts within and trying to cope up with a shroud of sense of maturity and responsibility. Young people are smart warrior and they carry on even if caught on a wrong foot like Roger. The dilemma of adolescents is different. Their budding personalities, both intellectually and physically maturing and this makes their case very interesting. They seek importance like of an adult but they are financially dependent trying to be independent. They need extra food and sleep. They are often self conscious of their physical changes. Young people tend to spend more time in front of the mirror. A little care needs to be taken in handling their emotions. Young people need correction but not punishment to know what is wrong and what is right. Their paths have many crossroads and they are forever confused about which path to take. A little guidance and support will make them matured adults. Negative vibes will force them to make impulsive decisions and they tend to have a reactionary attitude in life. Roger, Kostya and TJ signify varies aspects of young people; their urgency to become financially independent, their attitude to take every adversity in stride and their silent maturity which come as a surprise. Young people tend form ambition, friends and their general philosophy of life
Friday, January 24, 2020
Digital Revolution Essay -- Internet Inequality Web Access Essays
Digital Revolution The world we live in today is a very fascinating and mysterious place. While many people are intrigued that there might be life on another planet, cyberspace is a whole other world on earth. The widespread impact and use of the Internet did not mesmerize the world until the early 1990s. The author, John Schwartz, examines some of the effects the Internet has had on a small town. Another author, Dale Spender, focuses on the effects of the Internet on the world as a whole. In spite of everything, the Internet is an innovative technology and the consequences that the Internet has on the world is unknown. Dale Spender is a feminist scholar, writer, teacher and consultant. In the article Social Policy for Cyberspace, she is mainly concerned with the digital divide. The digital divide classifies those who have Internet access and those who do not. Spender believes that before people worry about getting a personal computer in every household, we should worry about those who are just trying to survive everyday life. Spender says that she wants to resolve the use of technology to improve the quality of life. I dont want to see it (the internet) used or misused to enhance the lives of the few at the expense of the many (266). Throughout the article, Spender argues that access to information should be a divine human right. In the article The American Dream, and Email for All, John Schwartz examines all the positive effects of having a town completely wired. Blacksburg, Virginia may seem like your average small town community. However, this town is different because Bell Atlantic gave grants to the town to have 60% of the citizens connected online. This community is known as the Blacksburg Electronic Village or htt... nation should not feel obligated to act as a charity organization to help modernize third world countries. As one can see, Dale Spender and John Schwartz both bring up good points about having Internet access. Spender focuses mainly on the digital divide. She wants people to worry about the status of third world countries before technology advances. John Schwartz focuses mainly on a small town being connected and all the positive effects that the Internet has had on the small town. I believe that the Internet is a wonderful tool that everyone can benefit from but we need to let this technology advance before we worry about third world countries. Works Cited Schwartz, John. The American Dream, and Email for All. Composing Cyberspace. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Spender, Dale. Social Policy for Cyberspace. Composing Cyberspace. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Impacts of Media Technology on Teenagers Essay
Today we are living in a revolutionary world and within seconds, several bombardments of new inventions are happening around the globe, media technology being one of them. Media technology has changed our lives giving us the freedom to perform activities from the comfort of our homes. For example, it has made communication easier and quicker, a document now takes a few seconds to reach anywhere in the world compared to regular mail which takes several days with the involvement of several individuals to reach its destination. If we look at our daily life, we can see a reflection of technology everywhere in our lives, such as TV, telephones, computers, cell phones, PDA, text messages, email, internet, online banking, booking a vacation, GPS, online shopping, online education, online liberalities, online books, online gaming and much more. By the end of 20th century we can observe that media technology and its effects are as powerful as it were never before. The invention of the cell phone, appearance of computers, laptops, and internet communication has become a vital link in communicating with others. It has become inseparable part of our life and it is everywhere and it is impossible to escape them. Teenagers all over the world are growing up in a world, where the Internet, cell phones, text messaging and other technology dominates the communication and it is an integral part of everyday life. Technology has changed rapidly; it is hard to predict what will happen in the next six months. If we ask a question whether media technology is good or bad, I believe there is no answer to this question. Technology is a double edge sword; it can be used for good purposes or for bad purposes. The evolving technology has a strong impact on individual’s life and especially teenagers as they are vulnerable to change. â€Å"Research shows that teens tend to be more impulsive than adults, and they may not think as clearly as adults about the consequences of what they do,†(-Jessica Rich, Federal Trade Commission). (Read more) The story of media in young people’s lives today is primarily a story of technology facilitating increased consumption. We created this blog to promote awareness to most common media technologies that have influenced teenagers’ lives today i.e. Internet, TV, Cell Phones, Gaming, Music and Print Media. Posted by Danielle, Fanny and Khalid. 1 comment: Links to this post Labels: Impacts of Media Technology on Teenagers Internet and Teenagers The Internet is a part of today’s culture that many teenagers cannot even imagine what the world was like before the Internet existed. The Internet is fun, informative and a great source of communication with others. It’s an educational tool and users can learn about almost anything. Sharing information through Internet is easy, cheap and fast. Teenagers have access to billions of websites containing information in the form of text, pictures and videos. The internet like other technology has positives and negatives effects on teenagers. Teenagers have access to pornography, obscenities, and ways to make drugs, bombs or even participate in online sexual practices. Teenagers can also become heavily addicted to the internet, which can often lead them into depression, with little or no face-to face time with others. There are also issues with teenagers hacking into school databases, banks, government websites, friends or strangers computers. If your teenagers are spending too much time on the internet, they are at risk of getting involved with one of these activities. Our blog will discuss pros and cons of internet usage among teenagers. Online Education Online education does have an impact on the lives of students; online learning can contribute to a gain in self-discipline. Educational goals can be reached by getting an online education. Student’s become more computer savvy from continuously using technology to do research, type assignments, and use specific software to complete projects. Some online programs even offer fast-track programs that allow prospective graduates to complete degree programs faster. (Read more) Currently, most high school students in North America have access to the internet in their classroom setting. Student can get extra helps through online learning environments (OLE) provided by schools. OLE provides students quick and easy access to course resources and material. Most OLE environments are virtually available from any location that has a computer and internet. The OLE resources usually include: online books, lectures, instructor help, peer-to-peer support, technology support, multimedia activities, instant updates, self-testing applications, comprehensive reviews and much more! Students that have fallen behind can take extra help online to achieve their required credits. Internet a Job Search Tool The internet is an excellent online job search tool for teenagers to find a job. Teenagers can search different types of jobs through various job search engines i.e. Craigslist, Monster, Workopolis and Job Bank. These search engines can teach you to fill out an application, create a resume and prepare for an interview. You can apply for the required job through Internet, which is more direct and easy. Jobs can help teenagers feel more confident and independent which can help teenagers explore potential career paths.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Marketing Mix Of Starbucks Marketing - 1262 Words
The portion of Starbucks marketing is reflecting the social aspects of their customers, while the other portion is focused on rebranding of their locations. Starbuck s marketing mix (4P s) indicates the importance of this marketing tool as a way to ensure that the firm promotes the right product at the right place and with right pricing. 3.1.1 Product/Service The customers demand Starbucks to be innovative. Starbucks is focusing on the food side of the business. It would be very beneficial for the Starbucks to focus on their in-store items or baked goods. The test locations have already started to follow on this trend, and have provided positive feedback and results. Starbucks is continuing to innovate its product mix to capture the†¦show more content†¦A Starbucks Coffee Frappuccino is Starbucks coffee, milk and blended with ice. A Starbucks Cappuccino is similar to a latte but with more foam. Starbucks Mocha is an espresso, steamed milk and chocolate with whipped cream on top (Greenspan, 2015). Starbucks has expanded its product mix to keep up with the demand and satisfy more customer needs. Starbucks has been constantly introducing new product such as VIA flavored coffees. They also provide seasonal offerings such as smoked butterscotch latte, citrus green tea latte during spring, ginger bread latte during Christmas and many more varieties. 3.1.2 Price Starbucks follows a premium pricing strategy. This pricing strategy takes advantage of the behavioral pattern of people to purchase more expensive products on the basis of the perceived correlation between high price and high value. The company’s coffee products are more expensive than most competing products, such as McDonald’s Premium Roast. Through this pricing strategy, the company maintains its high-end specialty image (Greenspan, 2015). Starbucks is not only a high-priced coffee shop but it offers a combination of quality, authority, and relative value. Starbucks sets its prices on the basis of a simple idea: high value at moderate cost. When people feel that they are getting a good deal for their money, they are more likely to pay a higher cost. Quality is key.
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