Friday, January 24, 2020
Digital Revolution Essay -- Internet Inequality Web Access Essays
Digital Revolution The world we live in today is a very fascinating and mysterious place. While many people are intrigued that there might be life on another planet, cyberspace is a whole other world on earth. The widespread impact and use of the Internet did not mesmerize the world until the early 1990s. The author, John Schwartz, examines some of the effects the Internet has had on a small town. Another author, Dale Spender, focuses on the effects of the Internet on the world as a whole. In spite of everything, the Internet is an innovative technology and the consequences that the Internet has on the world is unknown. Dale Spender is a feminist scholar, writer, teacher and consultant. In the article Social Policy for Cyberspace, she is mainly concerned with the digital divide. The digital divide classifies those who have Internet access and those who do not. Spender believes that before people worry about getting a personal computer in every household, we should worry about those who are just trying to survive everyday life. Spender says that she wants to resolve the use of technology to improve the quality of life. I dont want to see it (the internet) used or misused to enhance the lives of the few at the expense of the many (266). Throughout the article, Spender argues that access to information should be a divine human right. In the article The American Dream, and Email for All, John Schwartz examines all the positive effects of having a town completely wired. Blacksburg, Virginia may seem like your average small town community. However, this town is different because Bell Atlantic gave grants to the town to have 60% of the citizens connected online. This community is known as the Blacksburg Electronic Village or htt... nation should not feel obligated to act as a charity organization to help modernize third world countries. As one can see, Dale Spender and John Schwartz both bring up good points about having Internet access. Spender focuses mainly on the digital divide. She wants people to worry about the status of third world countries before technology advances. John Schwartz focuses mainly on a small town being connected and all the positive effects that the Internet has had on the small town. I believe that the Internet is a wonderful tool that everyone can benefit from but we need to let this technology advance before we worry about third world countries. Works Cited Schwartz, John. The American Dream, and Email for All. Composing Cyberspace. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Spender, Dale. Social Policy for Cyberspace. Composing Cyberspace. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Impacts of Media Technology on Teenagers Essay
Today we are living in a revolutionary world and within seconds, several bombardments of new inventions are happening around the globe, media technology being one of them. Media technology has changed our lives giving us the freedom to perform activities from the comfort of our homes. For example, it has made communication easier and quicker, a document now takes a few seconds to reach anywhere in the world compared to regular mail which takes several days with the involvement of several individuals to reach its destination. If we look at our daily life, we can see a reflection of technology everywhere in our lives, such as TV, telephones, computers, cell phones, PDA, text messages, email, internet, online banking, booking a vacation, GPS, online shopping, online education, online liberalities, online books, online gaming and much more. By the end of 20th century we can observe that media technology and its effects are as powerful as it were never before. The invention of the cell phone, appearance of computers, laptops, and internet communication has become a vital link in communicating with others. It has become inseparable part of our life and it is everywhere and it is impossible to escape them. Teenagers all over the world are growing up in a world, where the Internet, cell phones, text messaging and other technology dominates the communication and it is an integral part of everyday life. Technology has changed rapidly; it is hard to predict what will happen in the next six months. If we ask a question whether media technology is good or bad, I believe there is no answer to this question. Technology is a double edge sword; it can be used for good purposes or for bad purposes. The evolving technology has a strong impact on individual’s life and especially teenagers as they are vulnerable to change. â€Å"Research shows that teens tend to be more impulsive than adults, and they may not think as clearly as adults about the consequences of what they do,†(-Jessica Rich, Federal Trade Commission). (Read more) The story of media in young people’s lives today is primarily a story of technology facilitating increased consumption. We created this blog to promote awareness to most common media technologies that have influenced teenagers’ lives today i.e. Internet, TV, Cell Phones, Gaming, Music and Print Media. Posted by Danielle, Fanny and Khalid. 1 comment: Links to this post Labels: Impacts of Media Technology on Teenagers Internet and Teenagers The Internet is a part of today’s culture that many teenagers cannot even imagine what the world was like before the Internet existed. The Internet is fun, informative and a great source of communication with others. It’s an educational tool and users can learn about almost anything. Sharing information through Internet is easy, cheap and fast. Teenagers have access to billions of websites containing information in the form of text, pictures and videos. The internet like other technology has positives and negatives effects on teenagers. Teenagers have access to pornography, obscenities, and ways to make drugs, bombs or even participate in online sexual practices. Teenagers can also become heavily addicted to the internet, which can often lead them into depression, with little or no face-to face time with others. There are also issues with teenagers hacking into school databases, banks, government websites, friends or strangers computers. If your teenagers are spending too much time on the internet, they are at risk of getting involved with one of these activities. Our blog will discuss pros and cons of internet usage among teenagers. Online Education Online education does have an impact on the lives of students; online learning can contribute to a gain in self-discipline. Educational goals can be reached by getting an online education. Student’s become more computer savvy from continuously using technology to do research, type assignments, and use specific software to complete projects. Some online programs even offer fast-track programs that allow prospective graduates to complete degree programs faster. (Read more) Currently, most high school students in North America have access to the internet in their classroom setting. Student can get extra helps through online learning environments (OLE) provided by schools. OLE provides students quick and easy access to course resources and material. Most OLE environments are virtually available from any location that has a computer and internet. The OLE resources usually include: online books, lectures, instructor help, peer-to-peer support, technology support, multimedia activities, instant updates, self-testing applications, comprehensive reviews and much more! Students that have fallen behind can take extra help online to achieve their required credits. Internet a Job Search Tool The internet is an excellent online job search tool for teenagers to find a job. Teenagers can search different types of jobs through various job search engines i.e. Craigslist, Monster, Workopolis and Job Bank. These search engines can teach you to fill out an application, create a resume and prepare for an interview. You can apply for the required job through Internet, which is more direct and easy. Jobs can help teenagers feel more confident and independent which can help teenagers explore potential career paths.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Marketing Mix Of Starbucks Marketing - 1262 Words
The portion of Starbucks marketing is reflecting the social aspects of their customers, while the other portion is focused on rebranding of their locations. Starbuck s marketing mix (4P s) indicates the importance of this marketing tool as a way to ensure that the firm promotes the right product at the right place and with right pricing. 3.1.1 Product/Service The customers demand Starbucks to be innovative. Starbucks is focusing on the food side of the business. It would be very beneficial for the Starbucks to focus on their in-store items or baked goods. The test locations have already started to follow on this trend, and have provided positive feedback and results. Starbucks is continuing to innovate its product mix to capture the†¦show more content†¦A Starbucks Coffee Frappuccino is Starbucks coffee, milk and blended with ice. A Starbucks Cappuccino is similar to a latte but with more foam. Starbucks Mocha is an espresso, steamed milk and chocolate with whipped cream on top (Greenspan, 2015). Starbucks has expanded its product mix to keep up with the demand and satisfy more customer needs. Starbucks has been constantly introducing new product such as VIA flavored coffees. They also provide seasonal offerings such as smoked butterscotch latte, citrus green tea latte during spring, ginger bread latte during Christmas and many more varieties. 3.1.2 Price Starbucks follows a premium pricing strategy. This pricing strategy takes advantage of the behavioral pattern of people to purchase more expensive products on the basis of the perceived correlation between high price and high value. The company’s coffee products are more expensive than most competing products, such as McDonald’s Premium Roast. Through this pricing strategy, the company maintains its high-end specialty image (Greenspan, 2015). Starbucks is not only a high-priced coffee shop but it offers a combination of quality, authority, and relative value. Starbucks sets its prices on the basis of a simple idea: high value at moderate cost. When people feel that they are getting a good deal for their money, they are more likely to pay a higher cost. Quality is key.
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